

Posted on Monday, September 22, 2014 by Unknown

Password1. Alternatively referred to as an admin, administrator, and gatekeeper, root is a superuser on a computer or network and has complete control. See our Administrator definition for a full explanation.
2. The root or root directory is also the highest level in a directory hierarchy. For example, in MS-DOS, the root or root directory of the primary hard drive would C:\. When working on a web page the root directory will be your home directory or your public_html directory.
  • MS-DOS help and support.
  • Users in the Microsoft recovery console can set the current directory to the system root directory by using the systemroot command.
3. Root is also an ability, effect, or spell in computer games that locks a target in place. For example, in the game World of Warcraft the Mage class has a spell called Frost Nova that freezes an enemy in place for a few seconds.

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